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Worried about cancer? Experiencing symptoms that aren't normal for you?

It is important you contact your hospital team or GP if this is the case - they want to hear from you.

Coping with symptoms & side effects

Cancer and its treatment can cause all sorts of side effects and long-term difficulties. We have created a collection of apps that provide practical support with some of the more common symptoms.

Here you will find apps to help you with specific symptoms you might be having (like fatigue or pain) along with apps to help you keep track of your symptoms.

We have also included some apps to help you to make healthy choices like cutting down on smoking and eating a healthy diet.


Cancer and treatment can make you feel exhausted and make doing even simple tasks a struggle. These apps will support you to manage life with fatigue to ensure you can still enjoy what matters to you.

View fatigue apps

It can be difficult to sleep well when you are unwell or have a lot on your mind. These apps will give you strategies to make sure you get good, restful sleep - some even include soothing music!

View sleep apps

Constant pain is very wearing and can make life feel difficult. These apps will help you keep track of your pain and offer ways to manage its impact on your life.

View pain management apps

Some treatments for cancer can cause women to start the menopause early. These apps offer advice and peer support to help you and your partner to cope with the changes you are experiencing during this time.

View menopause apps
Trouble controlling when you wee or poo

Cancer treatments can have a lasting effect on your bladder and bowel. We have found some apps to help you, including strengthening your pelvic floor which is key to improving these symptoms.

View bladder & bowel support apps
Tracking your health

These apps will help you to keep track of all your symptoms and help you to understand the impact your treatment has on you. They can also be helpful when you are explaining your symptoms to your care team and will make sure you remember everything you need to tell them.

View health tracking apps
Building strength

Being as fit as possible before you start treatment can improve your experience of treatment and reduce the number of side-effects you have. These apps can help you to prepare for treatment and recovery.

View strength building apps
Staying active

Staying active through and after can reduce the length of your recovery and the number of longer-term effects you experience. These apps will encourage you to keep moving so you can get back to enjoying life quicker.

View apps that help you stay active
Making healthy choices

Eating well and cutting down on smoking and drinking can help you to be as fit as possible so your body can concentrate on recovering from cancer treatment. These apps will guide you through the steps you can take towards a healthier way of life.

View apps that help you make healthy choices

Cancer affects your mental wellbeing too

There are lots of apps that can support your mental health and to cope with the mental impact of cancer. See our mental wellbeing section.

Looking for practical and social support?

Check out our apps to help you link in with other people with cancer, organise your appointments and support those close to you. See our Practical and Social Support page.

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