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Worried about cancer? Experiencing symptoms that aren't normal for you?

It is important you contact your hospital team or GP if this is the case - they want to hear from you.

Practical and Social Support

All the appointments, medications and new experiences of cancer can be overwhelming. This can also lead to isolation and strained relationships with your friends and loved ones.

We have found the best apps to support you with the practical aspects of cancer like remembering appointments and medication, alongside apps that will help you to connect with other people going through cancer and treatment.


Juggling appointments and everyday life can be really tricky. These apps will help you to stay on top of things and can also help you share your plans with friends and family so they know what's coming up for you.

View organisation apps
Peer Support

Support from people who are going through the same experience as you can be invaluable. These apps will connect people who understand your experience and provide a space to be open and honest about cancer.

View peer support apps
Carer Support

Caring for someone with cancer can be tough sometimes and you need support too! These apps will provide you with support to cope with your new life as a carer for your loved one.

View carer support apps
Relationships and Sex

Cancer can have a huge impact on your relationships with friends and family, as well as with your partner. These apps are designed to support you to navigate your relationships whilst you tackle life with cancer.

View relationship apps
Inclusion: BAME, disability and LGBTQIA+, support

Sometimes it’s helpful to get support from people like you. These apps are specifically aimed at different communities and will help you to connect and find support from people who understand your experiences.

View these Inclusion apps
Recording your wishes about your care

It is really important that your wishes are at the centre of your care while you are going through treatment for cancer. These apps will support you to record your wishes and share them with those looking after you.

View these recording apps

Cancer affects your mental wellbeing too

There are lots of apps that can support your mental health and to cope with the mental impact of cancer. See our mental wellbeing section.

Struggling with physical symptoms?

There are lots of apps that can support you to manage the physical impact of cancer. See our symptoms section.

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